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Taking one step is better than missing. Thank you for taking many steps for the earth.

Atelier, a soap product producer, suggested solid soap is dissolved in water to form a liquid soap. Plastic-free packaging is more environmentally friendly, and no chemical additions are healthier.

Most household and personal cleaning products in Hong Kong are chemically synthesized products. In addition to using disposable plastic packaging, they also have chemical residues that irritate the skin and pollute the environment. When purchasing liquid cleaning products from environmentally friendly concept stores that promote unpackaged purchases, you need to bring your own containers. The inconvenience, weight considerations, and high price discourage many people who want to be healthier and more environmentally friendly.

For every soap sold, Atelier saves the planet a plastic bottle that takes 450 years to decompose naturally. Atelier soap has only been on the market for a few months and is already sold in 7 environmentally friendly concept stores in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, saving more than 1,000 plastic bottles for the earth. Atelier aims to expand its sales stores to more than 30 existing packaging-free eco-friendly stores in Hong Kong, and launch the dry granular portable bath products it is developing into the market to replace the small disposable plastic-packaged bath products widely used by hotels and tourists.


  • Taking one step is better than missing. Thank you for taking many steps for the earth. Atelier, a soap product producer, suggested solid soap is dissolved in water to form a liquid soap. Plastic-free packaging is more environmentally friendly, and no chemical additions are healthier. Most household and personal cleaning products in Hong Kong are chemically synthesized products. In addition to using disposable plastic packaging, they also have chemical residues that irritate the skin and pollute the environment. When purchasing liquid cleaning products from environmentally friendly concept stores that promote unpackaged purchases, you need to bring your own containers. The […]
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