Qianhai Competition

Air Ring 49 (AR49) is a more ergonomic and biometric cooling accessory to protect outdoor workers from heat stress and recover valuable hours of productivity. It seamlessly integrates with standard safety helmets, uniquely directing airflow to high-sweat areas like behind the neck and ears. Waterproof and impact-resistant, AR49 meets industry safety standards, enhancing productivity, preventing heatstrokes, and elevating health and safety for the industry.

  • Air Ring 49 (AR49) is a more ergonomic and biometric cooling accessory to protect outdoor workers from heat stress and recover valuable hours of productivity. It seamlessly integrates with standard safety helmets, uniquely directing airflow to high-sweat areas like behind the neck and ears. Waterproof and impact-resistant, AR49 meets industry safety standards, enhancing productivity, preventing heatstrokes, and elevating health and safety for the industry.
  • DAINVI Limited is developing DAINVI Smart Workstation to empower inspection workers with our unique visual general inspection technology based on large knowledge model (LKM). We serve any factory with manual inspection activities, providing inspectors with new quality labour tools to accelerate the formation of New Quality Productive Forces in the inspection industry. Our mission is to install a DAINVI Smart Workstation on every inspection worker’s desk.
  • Since 2021, our team has been developing and promoting the “Smart AI Authentication Solution”, and won the “Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Awards 2023- Best Leading Luxury Brand Agent & Authentication Platform of The Year”. By establishing an AI certification engine, database and technical training mechanism, it can be effectively applied to government agencies such as China Customs and Hong Kong Customs, as well as conducting luxury goods certification faster, more rigorously and accurately, and reduce online shopping fraud and protect intellectual property rights.
  • Traditional electronic integrated chips have limited bandwidth when handling massive amounts of information, while also consuming significant space and energy and generating substantial heat. These limitations greatly impact the scalability of HPC and hinder further advancements in AI technology. Our team state-of-the-art integrated photonics chip technology as a solution, i.e., replacing traditional electron with photon for information transmission and processing. Our integrated photonics chips offer high speed, large bandwidth, low latency, and energy efficiency, meeting the future requirements for high-bandwidth signal interconnects, sensing, and computation. They serve applications in AI, 5G/6G, quantum technology, autonomous driving, low Earth orbit economy, and […]
  • 甜蜜西遊是一個香港原創的設計品牌,以中國名著《西游記》故事結合西方糖果元素設計而成。所有人物都是以糖果、零食和甜點幻化而成,現有超過50個糖果角色。甜蜜西游在香港獲得了不少獎項,包括「2016授權業最佳原創授權角色大獎」、「2017香港ICT數碼娛樂獎」和「2019年新晉授權品牌金獎」。
  • 智能腰帶為視障者帶來革命性的導航設備,運用AI視覺來檢測障礙物。透過邊緣運算(Edge Computing)AI模組,實時計算出無障礙範圍及規劃路徑,以觸覺回饋智能腰帶的訊號,提供方向指引。這發明是全球首創的自家研發,於兩年間已獲得了20多個獎項以及 10 多個專利的認可。
  • 益創膳食品科技有限公司是一家超級食品科技公司,專注進階的酶促反應和先進的發酵技術,主要開發新蛋白食品方案和未來食品來應對氣候變化,實行ESG(環境、社會和管治)概念,以助緩解糧食短缺和沙漠化,減低碳排放,透過農業和食品的發酵技術,研發出美味、營養均衡且價格實惠的非乳製品,以促進大眾福祉。
  • Food With Benefits Limited 是一家成立於2022年的本地食品科技初創企業。我們的使命是透過創新技術減少食物浪費並促進大眾健康生活。我們利用冷凍乾燥技術開發了即冲健康果昔粉,從農場收集新鮮但外表有瑕疵的水果,並將其加工成即冲健康果昔粉。冷凍乾燥技術有效延長水果的保質期至一年,減少供應鏈中的食物浪費,保留了水果的新鮮口感以及99%的營養素,包括纖維和維生素等。
  • Boxtalk Media Limited 是一家與大灣區共同探索可持續發展的初創公司。團隊在快遞包裝或迴圈包裝的細分領域上的研究,由包裝技術,邊料二次合成新材料,自動化設備和SaaS包裝方案平臺回應歐盟 Digital Product Passport 的發展趨勢,進行碳排放核算、核查和產品生命週期資料獲取等服務為一體,為包裝產品提供基礎的追溯資訊,根據服務物件可分為政府、企業/機構、產品、公眾等。