
Carbon Linking is a green tech company redefining carbon literacy delivery through social and play, making a low-carbon lifestyle part of the younger generation’s daily living. Carbon Linking Integrated Solution provides a lot of green challenges, allowing schools to incorporate relevant carbon literacy and green actions into the learning curriculum. At the same time, students can become more carbon literate by completing green challenges with their friends and becoming future green leaders.

Carbon Linking是一家綠色科技公司,致力通過社交和遊戲的形式改革低碳知識的傳遞方法,令年輕一代更容易投入低碳生活中。Carbon Linking Integrated Solution提供了大量的綠色減碳挑戰,讓學校輕鬆地融入綠色資訊和氣候行動到日常教學中。通過手機APP,學生可和朋友一起完成綠色挑戰、增進低碳素養,培養他們成為未來的綠色領袖。

  • Carbon Linking is a green tech company redefining carbon literacy delivery through social and play, making a low-carbon lifestyle part of the younger generation’s daily living. Carbon Linking Integrated Solution provides a lot of green challenges, allowing schools to incorporate relevant carbon literacy and green actions into the learning curriculum. At the same time, students can become more carbon literate by completing green challenges with their friends and becoming future green leaders. Carbon Linking是一家綠色科技公司,致力通過社交和遊戲的形式改革低碳知識的傳遞方法,令年輕一代更容易投入低碳生活中。Carbon Linking Integrated Solution提供了大量的綠色減碳挑戰,讓學校輕鬆地融入綠色資訊和氣候行動到日常教學中。通過手機APP,學生可和朋友一起完成綠色挑戰、增進低碳素養,培養他們成為未來的綠色領袖。
  • Brand introduction 革新即食市場,推動原食材文化,讓即食食品更添鮮味與美味!    Double Chefs Market 成立於2019年,致力提供優質、貼心及富趣味性的即食食品,並全力改革本土即食食品市場及推動原食材文化。打破傳統即食食品製作方式,只選用優質原食材,以純粹獨特配方,引發食材原色原味,實現方便及美味的完美平衡。讓煮食化繁為簡,貼心分享食譜及教學,啟發不同菜式的可能性,讓烹飪更富趣味!從此只須在家輕鬆自煮,即可享受高質素及愉快的美食體驗。   歡迎了解更多: 網站:www.doublechefsmarket.com.hk Facebook: Double Chefs Market IG: doublechefsmarket
  • Avatech Innovation Limited is an education technology startup, founded in March 2016. We are alumni under HKFYG Incubation Programme and Cyberport Incubation Programme. Currently, we are focusing on the Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technology related service and product development. Currently, our product ARGEO Sandbox has been deployed in more than 60 schools and organisations in HK & Macau.   ARGEO Sandbox can instantly present real terrain and water flow, enhance the real-world experience by instantly interaction. By moving the sand to form an alpine valley and using a projector to instantly create a rich terrain on the […]
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