September 27, 2021

Happy Hour – Start-ups Networking Event

餐廳食肆、網購成行成市,岩岩創業的年青人可以如何脫穎而出? 疫情令很多餐飲業加快數碼轉型,如何從中把握機遇,化危為機? 今次我們很榮幸邀請到本地連鎖生蠔零售店 OCEAN THREE 創辦人Mr. Hamish Ho與各位分享其創業經歷。「敢於創新及懂得變通」一直是Hamish的座右銘之一,他務求要令Ocean Three變成港人心中最愛的生蠔品牌。Hamish亦都深信創業總會遇上高低潮,只要不放棄,總會尋找到出路。 今次Happy Hour Networking Event將會凝聚一眾創業青年,大家可以互相交流如何把握現有機會,於疫情期間提升競爭力。想了解更多飲食業或創業心得的你,當然不能錯過是次寶貴機會!報名從速,名額有限! How can young entrepreneurs stand out from the rapid growth of restaurants and online market? How can they seize opportunities from the accelerating digital transformation under the epidemic? We are honoured to have Mr. Hamish Ho, the founder of Ocean Three Development Limited, the local chain of oyster retail stores, to share his entrepreneurial experience. “Dare to innovate and dedicate to interchange” has always been one of Hamish’s mottos, which makes Ocean Three striving for being the best oyster brand in Hong Kong. Hamish also believes that entrepreneurship will […]
September 9, 2021

Meet the Mentors Online Consultation

新常態下,市場對數碼創新的需求增加,初創亦於數碼轉型下迅速發展。 究竟可以如何捕捉市場機遇,善用社交媒體平台把握商機? 如何有效地針對性使用網上平台進行業務宣傳,並增加瀏覽數量? 如何善用digital marketing 宣傳產品? 對網絡營銷有疑問的青年創業家歡迎參加Meet the mentors online consultation,今次我地邀請了Digital Marketing 專家 Ivan so – SEO, WordPress, 數碼營銷, HDcourse 及 Shek Ka Wai – OMP網絡行銷玩家 為大家解答疑難,每隊初創將會有30分鐘與兩位專家會面及交流,報名從速! 日期:2021年9月29日(星期三) 時間:上午9時至12時 參與模式:Zoom 立即報名: (名額有限,先到先得)