- “The future of furniture” &WoodWorks Limited is a one-stop online furniture shop originated from a human-centered design concept. It is designed to bring life improvement to customers – from the furniture buying experience to using the product itself. It aims at providing an online furniture solution to address existing difficulties encountered by customers shopping for furniture. With the ‘you-get-what-you-see’ principle, we hope to help customers find furniture best suited to their needs and preferences, in order to create an ideal living space. &WoodWorks hopes to change the way customers shop for both custom-made and ready-made furniture with a one-stop furniture […]
- 智能腰帶為視障者帶來革命性的導航設備,運用AI視覺來檢測障礙物。透過邊緣運算(Edge Computing)AI模組,實時計算出無障礙範圍及規劃路徑,以觸覺回饋智能腰帶的訊號,提供方向指引。這發明是全球首創的自家研發,於兩年間已獲得了20多個獎項以及 10 多個專利的認可。
- 本森設計製作有限公司是一所成立了1 年半的文創產業公司, 業務包括:IP吉祥物設計、品牌平面設計、插圖繪畫、動畫及主題商店/餐廳設計。 「本森」打造的「星兒文創計劃」,期望在每一個設計項目能夠在實際和心靈上打造企業正面的形象, 使他們像星星一樣發光。希望透過這些文創設計使人們也得到正面影響、價值和能量。 實用層面:以友善IP吉祥物為中心打造品牌形象和價值,拉近企業和消費者的距離,從而提升購買力。 而以吉祥物作企業核心,更可帶動一連串網上和實際的宣傳項目:插圖、動畫、主題商店/餐廳設計。 心靈層面: 期望透過這些可愛的卡通動漫,宣傳正面的價值:信心、盼望和愛心的力量。 使人們看到品牌的產品時,有愉快的購買經驗,什至陪伴消費者成長。 因此,「星兒文創計劃」背後的理念正是「本森」的核心思想和價值。 中期目標:5年內協助50間不同類型的企業打造其品牌之獨特視覺形象 長期目標:10年內「本森」能創作自家製的IP吉祥物及動畫電影 創業口號 你若能信,在信的人,凡事都能! 網站:https://www.facebook.com/Miriam.MissMiMi/photos/?ref=page_internal
- ASKAR is a marketing technology agency specialising in emerging technology. The team provides customers with a full range of digital solutions through its excellent services and unique SaaS products. With more than 18 years of brand design, media production and technology R&D experience, ASKAR is committed to step into the new era of digital marketing loved by modern audiences, delivering a new sense of brand awareness and interactive engagement to our customers. Website: https://askar.app Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askar.app/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askarapp/
- Taking one step is better than missing. Thank you for taking many steps for the earth. Atelier, a soap product producer, suggested solid soap is dissolved in water to form a liquid soap. Plastic-free packaging is more environmentally friendly, and no chemical additions are healthier. Most household and personal cleaning products in Hong Kong are chemically synthesized products. In addition to using disposable plastic packaging, they also have chemical residues that irritate the skin and pollute the environment. When purchasing liquid cleaning products from environmentally friendly concept stores that promote unpackaged purchases, you need to bring your own containers. The […]
- BioFlow Innovation Limited specializes in cutting-edge biotech with its core technology, the digital microfluidic XY array. This technology transforms drug screening, microalgae selection, medical diagnostics, and cell culture, revolutionizing how these tasks are performed. The array is designed to be user-friendly, allowing individuals without expert training to utilize it, thus simplifying and making advanced biotech tasks more accessible. BioFlow’s mission is to make sophisticated health solutions available to everyone, with the digital microfluidic XY array leading the way. Join BioFlow in bringing this pivotal technology to everyday health applications
- BlueMap Limited was founded in Hong Kong in 2017, aiming to provide professional, fun and engaging basketball training to 3-12 year olds. We are committed to nurture the mental and physical development of our students by building up their confidence and establishing the right learning attitude. At BlueMap, we have a sophisticated and experienced group of coaches who are qualified for kids sports coaching and basketball training. We always welcome more like-minded coaches to join our team, helping to deliver more entertaining and effective lessons to students. BlueMap’s mission is to cultivate a warm, happy and healthy childhood to students […]
- Boxout Production is a Hong Kong based startup production company with a young and ambitious team, with experience and recognised qualifications specialised in Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). We are in proud collaboration with LKF Group, Link Asset Management LTD, Hong Kong Construction Industry Council, and Oil! Our expertise not only covers drone shooting in film and commercial productions, but also Virtual Tour, Aerial Surveying and Inspection, 2D Mapping and 3D Modelling, and Thermography. Website:https://www.boxout-production.com
- Boxtalk Media Limited 是一家與大灣區共同探索可持續發展的初創公司。團隊在快遞包裝或迴圈包裝的細分領域上的研究,由包裝技術,邊料二次合成新材料,自動化設備和SaaS包裝方案平臺回應歐盟 Digital Product Passport 的發展趨勢,進行碳排放核算、核查和產品生命週期資料獲取等服務為一體,為包裝產品提供基礎的追溯資訊,根據服務物件可分為政府、企業/機構、產品、公眾等。
- Carbon Linking Limited is a green tech company redefining carbon literacy delivery through social and play, making a low-carbon lifestyle part of the younger generation’s daily living. Carbon Linking Integrated Solution provides a lot of green challenges, allowing schools to incorporate relevant carbon literacy and green actions into the learning curriculum. At the same time, students can become more carbon literate by completing green challenges with their friends and becoming future green leaders.
- Cos&Play工作室齊備cosplay工具及設施,提供適合準備cosplay的環境,並希望推動香港cosplay發展及推廣,所以我們歡迎與不同機構或公司合作,舉辦有關cosplay興趣班及活動,讓大眾體驗cosplay的樂趣。
- DAINVI Limited is developing DAINVI Smart Workstation to empower inspection workers with our unique visual general inspection technology based on large knowledge model (LKM). We serve any factory with manual inspection activities, providing inspectors with new quality labour tools to accelerate the formation of New Quality Productive Forces in the inspection industry. Our mission is to install a DAINVI Smart Workstation on every inspection worker’s desk.
- Our school attaches great importance to the development and popularization of Latin dance. We carefully select the elite team to teach in person, including past and current Hong Kong team elite medalists, National Team Representative and World Championship Finalist. At the same time, it is equipped with complete and professional peripheral training to improve muscle control in athletes, reduce sports injuries, improve stability and more.In addition to promoting local Latin dance, our school is also actively developing in other Asian countries. A branch has been set up and established in Mainland China in 2021 to assist in related training work, […]
- define CLEAN Limited is a green technology start-up specializing in the development of safe and affordable powder-form personal and household cleaning products. Their unique powders are developed using naturally-derived ingredients that are plant- and mineral-based, making them biodegradable and offering a sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning solutions. By using define CLEAN, consumers can reduce plastic wastes by 100%, carbon emissions by 98%, and storage usage by 95%. By simply adding water to their powder-form products, consumers can conveniently use them in the comfort of their homes. Website: www.defineclean.co Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/defineClean Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/define.clean/
- People give different stories to the same view. UNSUIKYO explores the world in different angles. We collect special materials from all over the world, refine them with our classic design and unique craftsmanship. UNSUIKYO adds texture to your viewing experience, bringing you closer to nature, let your eyes capture every special moment. Website: http://www.unsuikyo.com
- UNI Green is a social innovation project connecting schools and retired garment workers to recycle and upcycle old school uniforms and educate primary and secondary students on sustainable fashion. “UNI” stands for Uniform and Unique. The program helps repurpose old uniform to unique souvenirs. The schools joining the program will first collect the old uniforms and let other parents take them. For the uniforms that are of poor quality or are not taken by the parents will be upcycled and repurposed as school souvenirs or to be used in the upcycling workshop. We promote inclusive economy by hiring housewives and […]
- Hong Kong Youth Entrepreneurship: “Die Vermessung Der Welt” Creates a New Generation Event Planning and Human Resources Platform! [DVDW.Limited], your best partner for event planning and talent matching! “Curiosity goes further than ambition.” – Daniel. The central idea of “Die Vermessung Der Welt”, which means measuring the world, a German novel, became the inspiration for our entrepreneurial journey. We are committed to providing clients with simple, time-saving, and reliable event-planning services while simultaneously meeting the job-seeking and talent-recruitment needs of the new generation. We use innovative thinking to create services with social significance, promoting a “win-win-win” model of new freelance […]
- Earthero Studio Limited is a sustainability-focused consultancy specializing in conscientious curation. They design and execute sustainable events, campaigns, and workshops tailored for corporate entities with ESG strategies. Their expertise lies in crafting eco-educational content and merging sustainability with art curation. By combining design, art, and deep sustainability knowledge, their curated projects are distinct, memorable, and easily understood. As a pioneering consultancy, they offer a fresh and innovative approach to sustainable corporate engagement, emphasizing sustainability from a curation perspective. Website: www.earthero.studio Instagram: www.instagram.com/earthero.studio
- “Connecting Your Health” Ecway Limited modernizes the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industry through technology to improve diagnosis and increase awareness by serving as an unbiased information platform and industry bridge. ECWAY aims to improve the traditional diagnosis process and accelerate the modernization of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industry through technology. Our convenient, unbiased information service platform can enhance user’s awareness of TCM and act as a bridge to drive industry development. ECWAY is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) information and service platform that analyzes and utilizes data to develop and optimize our service packages, including mobile application & website […]
- Fleming Medlab Limited is a medical robotics startup focusing on stroke rehabilitation. We help stroke survivors to walk again and recover their brains with our wearable robots (exoskeletons). We designed our medical-grade robots with our patented technology based on neuroscience principles. With our machine-learning algorithm, we help therapists and patients improve their recovery efficacy and predict their prognosis. We work directly with hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and physiotherapy clinics. By helping patients early, we can maximize recovery outcomes. Currently, we have 3 US patents and are in the 1st clinical trial phase. We are ready for a soft launch to the […]
- Our startup boasts two main products: Flowclass, and Flowtura. Flowclass – We empower educators to start and scale their impacts. Flowclass is a B2B SaaS software for educators to effortlessly build their white-labelled student recruitment websites with marketing & remarketing tools and student onboarding & retention systems. Flowtura – We are a digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses thrive online. Our team of experts specializes in web design, search engine optimization (SEO), and a range of digital marketing services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Website:https://flowclass.io/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/flowclasshk Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/flowclasshk/
- Food With Benefits Limited 是一家成立於2022年的本地食品科技初創企業。我們的使命是透過創新技術減少食物浪費並促進大眾健康生活。我們利用冷凍乾燥技術開發了即冲健康果昔粉,從農場收集新鮮但外表有瑕疵的水果,並將其加工成即冲健康果昔粉。冷凍乾燥技術有效延長水果的保質期至一年,減少供應鏈中的食物浪費,保留了水果的新鮮口感以及99%的營養素,包括纖維和維生素等。
- Footprints offers social and environmental compliance consultancy to manufacturing sites around South East Asia. We work with buyers and manufacturers to offer assessment and training services in factories so that they can meet industry standards and legal compliance. Our core objective is to ensure worker wellbeing and promoting ethical business practices. Website: http://footprintscsr.com/
- Gaau1 Up Design Studio Limited recycles plastic from the local recycling system and they do their design and production on upcycling plastic pieces into different art pieces or retail products. They believe that changes in the minds of the general public are more important than the advancement of recycling technology, through workshops and works, they allow the public to experience the process of plastic recycling and understand the value of plastic. Website: https://www.gaau1up.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaau1up/
- Neighborly Chinese Medicine Clinic provides patients with diversified Chinese Medicine services: instant concentrated Chinese medicine granules, internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology, acupuncture, acupuncture beauty, pain/posture/hair care treatment, online TCM diagnosis, etc. We hope to become a trusted family Chinese medicine practitioner and good neighbor to our customers! Instagram: neighborly.cmc : https://www.instagram.com/neighborly.cmc Facebook: #睦鄰醫舍 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550244784963&mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Air Ring 49 (AR49) is a more ergonomic and biometric cooling accessory to protect outdoor workers from heat stress and recover valuable hours of productivity. It seamlessly integrates with standard safety helmets, uniquely directing airflow to high-sweat areas like behind the neck and ears. Waterproof and impact-resistant, AR49 meets industry safety standards, enhancing productivity, preventing heatstrokes, and elevating health and safety for the industry.
- Since 2021, our team has been developing and promoting the “Smart AI Authentication Solution”, and won the “Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Awards 2023- Best Leading Luxury Brand Agent & Authentication Platform of The Year”. By establishing an AI certification engine, database and technical training mechanism, it can be effectively applied to government agencies such as China Customs and Hong Kong Customs, as well as conducting luxury goods certification faster, more rigorously and accurately, and reduce online shopping fraud and protect intellectual property rights.
- “Make It Easier” Hive Lab Limited aims at inventing swarm small unmanned aircraft system, to offer business solution through collecting accurate data by SUA instead of manpower. The first target is lift maintenance. Due to the unpleasant working environment and job nature, there is labour shortage. We want to help mechanics to find defects by SUA, not only to speed up the procedure, but also ensure safety. As professional SUA crew recognised by CAD, we are going to design unmanned aircraft for dealing with different specific problems, helping manpower to work in dangerous environment. In the future, we will expand […]
- The traditional garment industry is a densely populated industry that relies on experience and technical talents. The establishment of “HK Autotech Limited ” uses high and new technology to optimize the past tedious and repetitive operating systems from the user’s perspective to achieve maximum process automation. Automatic pattern software uses database and artificial intelligence analysis to save pattern artists the time it takes to produce technical data. The software recommends the best, fastest and feasible solution. Website:https://gaschannelhk.wordpress.com/
- HOHO Group Limited is a stylish select shop offering innovative and lifestyle products to the active ageing population. Our collections are handpicked carefully from all around the world, offering better and quality choices for our active seniors and enabling them to stay socially active and enjoy retirement joyfully with style and dignity. Our vision is to break stereotypes and revitalize the perspective towards ageing, creating a more accepting and optimistic future for our community. As we believe ageing is a process for everyone rather than a burden to the society, suitable active ageing facilities and products empower seniors to live […]
- We provide one-stop Design and Build solution for school, creating the next generation classroom and various themed learning rooms with the integration of Customised Design, Learning experience, and Coding Education. In addition, We specialise in smart systems implementation and solution, and renewable energy projects for organisations and private clients. Website: http://www.homifytech.com
- i2Cool Limited is a technology start-up company incubated by the HK Tech 300 project of City University of Hong Kong. It is committed to the innovation and application of passive radiation refrigeration technology (electrical-free refrigeration technology). After more than 7 years of in-depth research, the scientific research team has successfully transformed passive radiation refrigeration technology into commercial applications. Passive radiative cooling technology achieves cooling effects by efficiently reflecting sunlight and mid-infrared thermal radiation. This technology does not require an external power supply, does not use refrigerants, and is an environmentally friendly and sustainable cooling solution, offering a new approach to […]
- Imperfect Magazine is an independent online media platform established in 2020, with in-depth content on different social issues such as mental health, self-love, family of orientation… etc. We would like to share that, it’s okay to be insecure, complex and sad. Because we’re all perfectly imperfect. Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImperfectMagazine IG: https://www.instagram.com/imperfect_mag FB: https://www.facebook.com/imperfectmagazine
- JAPJAP Zero Waste Limited is a pioneering enterprise focused on transforming food waste management through innovative technology and sustainable practices. Our flagship product, the JAPJAP machine, is designed to efficiently process food waste at its source, promoting a decentralized approach to waste management. By integrating cutting-edge IoT systems, machine learning, and smart container designs, JAPJAP ensures a user-friendly and highly effective solution for reducing the environmental impact of food waste. Our mission is to create a sustainable future by minimizing food waste and its associated carbon footprint. We achieve this by providing tailored solutions for schools, organizations, and communities, enabling […]
- “HappyYou” makes wellbeing fun for everyone! We feature original engaging, interactive stories, designed by experts to boost both literacy and mental wellbeing. Built for primary-school-aged children and their families, we bring evidence-based support and learning for them to build healthy habits for life. We are growing minds of every kind. HappyYou’s key features include: Interactive content to maximise engagement and learning Everything built by real experts Content underpinned by evidence-based approaches like cognitive behavioural therapy Bilingual stories in both written and audio formats to maximise learning Personalised parenting advice Website: https://app.happyyoufamily.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearehappyou Instagram: https://instagram.com/wearehappyyou
- Juicyapp is a professional marketing technology company that has been in the market for over 9 years. We have been striving hard to serve many corporate clients with CRM solutions and ticketing platforms in order to expand their presence and user community. Our service offerings range from mobile applications development, web designs, system designs, to technical services. Website: https://www.juicyapp.hk/
- Traditional electronic integrated chips have limited bandwidth when handling massive amounts of information, while also consuming significant space and energy and generating substantial heat. These limitations greatly impact the scalability of HPC and hinder further advancements in AI technology. Our team state-of-the-art integrated photonics chip technology as a solution, i.e., replacing traditional electron with photon for information transmission and processing. Our integrated photonics chips offer high speed, large bandwidth, low latency, and energy efficiency, meeting the future requirements for high-bandwidth signal interconnects, sensing, and computation. They serve applications in AI, 5G/6G, quantum technology, autonomous driving, low Earth orbit economy, and […]
- Law of Yogurt Limited, a Greek cheese shop located in Saigon. Our cheese ice cream is made from real Greek cheese and provides more than 20 kinds of selected ingredients for customers to choose from. The homemade ingredients include sea salt caramel crunch, green tea glutinous rice cakes, coffee konjac, etc. We also cooperate with many local shops to add flavor to the cheese with cakes, cookies, nuts, etc. At the same time, the store offers a special series of emerald lemon drinks, the emerald lemons used are grown on the founder’s family farm. In addition to special drinks, we […]
- Founded at the end of 2020, Learn Root Limited aims to promote education development in Hong Kong through non-traditional education approach. Learn Root is committed to combining innovative themes with education, using inquiry-based teaching to guide students’ thinking process. Learn Root focuses on STEAM education in agriculture, life sciences, and humanity. Our services target includes primary and secondary schools, international schools, and non-governmental organizations. Website: https://learnroothk.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LearnrootHK IG: https://www.instagram.com/learnroot_hk/ Whatsapp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=%2B85295487703&text&type=phone_number&app_absent=0
- XR Educational Learning Platform targets the implementation of VR and AR applications in educational works, specifically to assist schools and teachers in achieving an interesting and immersive learning environment in education. Furthermore, XR can be a promotional tool to provide extraordinary marketing approaches for organizations. The platform has different scenes, including realistic 3D models, interactive games and knowledge introductions. In the first year, XR Educational Learning Platform will focus on liberal studies subject in senior primary schools. We aim to create at least 24 themes and have 1,000 subscriptions with more than 10 schools using the platform. In the future, […]
- 益創膳食品科技有限公司是一家超級食品科技公司,專注進階的酶促反應和先進的發酵技術,主要開發新蛋白食品方案和未來食品來應對氣候變化,實行ESG(環境、社會和管治)概念,以助緩解糧食短缺和沙漠化,減低碳排放,透過農業和食品的發酵技術,研發出美味、營養均衡且價格實惠的非乳製品,以促進大眾福祉。
- “Vision+ is an AI-based product under the development of Mindplus AI. It aims to assist ophthalmologists by automatically detecting and screening common eye diseases from optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. By employing advanced deep learning techniques, Vision+ can analyze OCT images with speed and accuracy, providing crucial information and recommendations to doctors. With its ability to 3D visualize blood vessels in the retina, compatibility with most OCT machines, and accessibility from any computer, Vision+ aims to seamlessly integrate into the current ophthalmology imaging workflow. Notably, Vision+ is the first OCT image segmentation and classification AI module globally, which can enhance […]
- Mournary Group Limited uses technology to bring a humanised Web 3.0 mourning experience to bereaved relatives and friends. Overcoming the constraints of traditional funerals, and providing immersive mourning experiences that ensure memories are never lost; Offering families who have lost loved ones a more tailored and compassionate mourning experience. Website: https://www.mournary.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/mournary.hk FB: https://www.facebook.com/Mournary.hk
- Established in 2019, Navy FAB is located in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong and is happy to offer its expertise in full service digital branding design with top eCommerce & technology. Our mission is to help brands, especially small and medium enterprises in HK, showcase the brands to the world by our professional design, technology and digital marketing services.
- 甜蜜西遊是一個香港原創的設計品牌,以中國名著《西游記》故事結合西方糖果元素設計而成。所有人物都是以糖果、零食和甜點幻化而成,現有超過50個糖果角色。甜蜜西游在香港獲得了不少獎項,包括「2016授權業最佳原創授權角色大獎」、「2017香港ICT數碼娛樂獎」和「2019年新晉授權品牌金獎」。
- Nil Aware Sound Limited is an audio and video production studio. Its expertise lies in pre-production, filming and shooting, audio & video post-production and more. Pre Production, Filming and Shooting , Animation and Motion Graphics, Audio Post Production, Video Post Production. Our Specialists have been worked in the production industry in many countries in the world including Hong Kong, Taiwan China and United Kingdom for a long time. With our film production crew, civilian price and CINEGY method, your tailor-made video will receive the maximum publicity effect. We participated in award-winning projects in the past, and we are looking forward […]
- Nimbus Insight Limited found in 2013 by experienced market researchers and programmers. They aimed at formulating research programs for clients, which help them to understand consumer shopping patterns. Website: www.nimbusinsight.com
- Novak Tea Limited – A new soda revolution A brand new alternative to traditional sugary sparkling drinks. NOVAK uses an exclusive bubble technology to inject carbon dioxide into the mellow tea leaves and the fragrant hops, causing the floral aroma of the hops to escape. The bubbles are dense and long-lasting, and the delicate and crisp bubbles add layers to the drink, creating a unique of sparkling tea. Let everyone enjoy the stimulating gas tea in a healthy way. Perfect for refreshing yourself at any time! Website:https://novaktea.com/
- Nutree Kids Company Limited is committed to creating a healthy environment for children to grow up. We provide interesting and interactive nutrition lectures, Little Dietitian Training, Health and Vitality Carnival and other interesting activities for schools, We also provide personalized nutrition consultation services to help children to grow up healthily and actively. We hope that children can start learning about nutrition from the age of three. In the future, we hope to expand services to more schools and organizations serving children. We are committed to providing nutrition courses to all school children in Hong Kong to instill health knowledge. In […]
- OAO Limited, founded in 2021, specializes in 3D scanning and interactive 3D platforms for medical education. Addressing the critical shortage of specimens and cadavers for teaching, as well as the high costs of traditional scanning methods, we developed GIMII. This innovative platform offers fast, high-fidelity 3D anatomy models, transforming medical education, preservation, and research by making medical information more accessible, affordable, and impactful. With GIMII, users can seamlessly scan, tag, and share 3D models using just their smartphones, enabling immersive learning experiences through our interactive annotation features. Website: https://gimii.app Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gimii.app/ X.com: https://x.com/Gimii_app
- “Earth Melon” parent-child drama game set is developed by various drama and education experts and has won the “Education University of Hong Kong and Social Entrepreneurship Fund Program” and the “EASE-Fund Sustainable Development Goals Award—Gold Award” Definitely an educational product. Omakidz Conception Limited starts from the local picture book “Earth Melon” and follows the design instructions to allow children to learn efficiently and improve their attitudes, skills and knowledge. Through observation and evaluation, players’ potential is discovered and helps develop the whole person. Website:https://www.facebook.com/omakidz
- One Dollar Larp Limited hopes to bring Hong Kong players the best LARP (Live Action Roleplay) experience, focusing on local, original and blocking. Regardless of storyline, props or music, we dedicate ourselves to making every element perfect. The only mission is to let everyone forget about reality and plunge into the short but wonderful world of the script! Starting from the LARP business, through creating high-quality content across the art, game and technology industries. Becoming a pioneer in immersive art tech and leading the Art-VR transformation. Bringing the global entertainment industry to connect the metaverse world!
- 項目專注研發低成本便攜診斷平台,解決健康危機。產品採用等溫 CRISPR 技術,實現高靈敏度、特異性,簡化操作。他們致力研發數字微流體輔助診斷,提高靈敏度、準確性,拓展疾病檢測範圍。這項目目標是一次能檢測多種疾病,構建數字健康解決方案的平台,藉此希望改善疾病測試和醫療保健。
- Parasolar Company Limited aims to help organization adopt renewable energy to achieve carbon neutral, sustain their business, and enhance land use. With global warming causing rapid increase in global temperature and an annual surge of 25-40% in electricity fees, Parasolar thinks that it is time to strive for carbon neutrality in Hong Kong in a bid to combat this wider issue, Meanwhile, we also notice the way local sunset industries have been more vigorously urged to cease operation in recent years, not to mention the toll which the upcoming bills hike may further take on these businesses. In light of […]
- Pawship Limited is an animal-focused startup that reimagines the meaning of pet well-being, driven by the recognition that the pet community currently lacks tools to find accurate vet reviews and stay connected with their environment. Their pet community app and geo-social network provide pet owners with a pet-centric review system to compare vet reviews for specific symptoms and pricing across multiple clinics simultaneously. Plus, their pet GPS (Get Pets Social) network immerses pet owners in real-time community engagement while walking their pets. Their goal is to disrupt the traditional approach to vet review searches and social connections among pet owners, […]
- Pi Innovation Limited is a local education company that provides all kinds of STEM courses covering robotics, coding, science experiments, creativity, design thinking, logical thinking, and a lot more to students. Our team works with parents, schools, NGOs, and government divisions on STEM and Innovation courses, projects, and events. We assist and advise schools on every detail from the planning stage to execution, ensuring the best experiences for students. We actively expand our network by working with education and community centers on STEM and innovation courses. Besides, our team creates and develops its own education products in order to provide […]
- The Pokeguide app is an essential all-in-one destination guide providing users with the fastes way to reach their desired MTR Station, and recommendations of leisure activities, appealing cuisine, shop discounts, and benefits near their destination. You can now save time sorting out not just travel but also the best plans and deals of your day in just one app! Website: http://www.pokeguide.com/
- Puzzle Weekly Limited creates puzzle hunt games based on local stories to promote and preserve community culture. Our game platform offers both in-house and co-created products with various organisations. Players can use our platform to explore and learn about the culture and knowledge of our community while playing the game, together with game toolkits. In addition, we provide engagement workshops, co-creation programmes and interactive exhibition design to connect with schools and youth centres, encouraging youths to explore our community and culture through games. Website: www.puzzle-weekly.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PuzzleWeekly Instagram: https://instagram.com/puzzleweekly?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA
- Rock-Solid Engineering Construction Company Limited (“Rock-Solid”) is established in 2019 with the major business in providing customized building services of mixed bamboo and metal scaffolding (aluminum alloy and bamboo) to clients. The custom-built working platform is applicable to various construction works, including replacement and rehabilitation of drainage pipes on the façade of the building, replacement of aluminium window components, and erection and dismantling of the split type air-conditioner, etc. Nowadays, Bamboo scaffolding is one of the few intangible cultural heritages that still rooted in people’s lives and activities in Hong Kong with its properties of high flexibility, efficiency and cost […]
- Founded in Hong Kong in 2020, Running Aces Event Limited is an emerging event planning and consulting company. R-aces’ team specializes in organizing themed running events and Asian road closure events. Services include conceptualizing and deepening themes, formulating and executing event details, negotiating sponsors, and promoting events. Website: https://www.r-aces.hk/
- To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. —— Oscar Wilde Self love-tripment is formed by a group of people who have a passionate love for art and nature. We believe that art is a unique medium of self-expression, while nature has positive impacts on wellbeing. It is often believed that love comes from others, often we forget love is from within, love is from yourself. Loving yourself provides you with self-confidence and self-worth that helps us to encounter the obstacles in life. We hope that people can be more present in a moment through nature; To find […]
- Skybotics Technology Limited is a Deep Tech Company that leverages different state-of-the-art robotic technologies to make the construction process safer, more reliable, and sustainable with a focus on hardware robotic drone development. We introduce AIR(Aerial unIversal Robot), the world’s first contact-based drone for building operations. Currently, AIR can be applied to various working-at-height scenarios for different operations, including (AIR-Moist) seepage detection and (AIR-Hammer) hammer-tapping inspection. Website:https://www.sky-botics.com/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/skybotics-technology-limited
- SnapFeedback Limited provides real-time monitoring services through facial detection, voice detection, active window detection and gaze estimation. To take a step further, our team aims to adopt deep learning technology to analyze the host videos, scripts, and the responses from the audience and provide customized recommendations to the hosts to draw audiences’ attention and improve the effectiveness of online meetings. SnapFeedback combines automated monitoring systems and deep learning technology to enhance learning and working performance in the post-pandemic era. Our system recreates a structured online environment and provides the hosts with real-time feedback during the online meetings and lessons to […]
- Suivante Dance Studio is a newly established dance studio. Provide professional Ballet classes, popular Jazz Dance and Korean Pop Dance; arrange suitable classes for ages 3 to 80, bring motivation and share the joy of dancing to Sha Tin. Our studio has professional ballet examinations and provides certificates. Dance courses include ballet for infants, children, adults and seniors; Modern dance, Pilates, Music & Move and diversified dances, which are suitable for people to dance and exhume their own interests. Address: Shop 329 Wo Che Plaza Shatin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suivantedancestudio?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== WeChat: SuivanteDance Email: SuivanteStudio@gmail.com
- We provide tea + design customisation services. Combined with modern designs, we choose traditional Chinese tea leaves to cater for the market demand that emphasises on modernity when it comes to gifting. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SumYipTea Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/sumyip_tea/
- Tandle Limited aims to improve the quality and services of current hearing aids so that more people can benefit from them. Provide face-to-face customer service through an information-rich online platform coupled with artificial intelligence technology. They provide fair and transparent hearing product pricing, accurate automated hearing aid selection, AI audiogram inspection, AR on-ear simulation, virtual sound laboratory and other functions to reduce the time and cost of audiologists and hearing aid users. They hope to provide the public with the latest healthcare products, lead the healthcare industry through technology to improve the lives of hearing aid users, and alleviate technical […]
- Teenshare Limited is an online mentor marketplace from Hong Kong offering different industry specialists to young profession who desire to improve their career development, changing career industry or even start up a business but without related knowledge, skills set, guidance and network. By providing one-on-one learning with industry specialists gives employee a more personalized learning experience and able to helps them apply to their real-life career. For young profession who is looking for a career upskill, we offer wide range of online courses covering different subjects that could enhance the soft skills, digital skills and other up-to-trend skills. Connecting and […]
- Theiago Limited’s vision is to help visually impaired people work seamlessly in our cities through appropriate technology. To ensure their independent mobility within their own cities. Imagine that one day you are going out to a completely unfamiliar place, but your vision becomes blurred and you can’t see clearly, and you only have a white cane. How far can you go? There are currently about 170,000 visually impaired people in Hong Kong. They rely on white canes, guide dogs and other auxiliary tools to travel through the busy city every day. They are aware of their suffering, but the corresponding […]
- Established in 2021, Time to Gold Limited is an award-winning social enterprise dedicated to preserving pastry traditions, empowering elderly women, and enriching lives. We hire and empower elderly women, offering them meaningful job opportunities in the art of pastry-making. Alongside our culinary pursuits, we organize experiential workshops for organizations and schools, fostering intergenerational learning and appreciation for our pastry culture. Website: timetogold.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timetogoldhk
- Compared with photos, dynamic videos can more truly restore every moment of life and important moments in life. Tracy Image Limited provides professional photography and short film editing services to individual customers, breaking the traditional model of only recording life with candid photos, and combining still photos and dynamic micro-films to double record the highlight moments of family life and personal life. They moderately modify our guests’ daily lives to extract the most authentic and warm moments for recording. Even read for many years, still have endless aftertaste. The photography industry is constantly innovating, and hope to be a pioneer […]
- FOODPLUS Food Education We are the pioneer in food education in Hong Kong. Our team of advisors is composed of professional chefs, cooking tutors, environmentalists, restaurateurs and teachers. FoodPLUS is no ordinary cooking class. In our classes, junior chefs prepare food from scratch, cook in a restaurant environment and have an opportunity to learn about aspects of food (Science, Cultural, Environmental and Social). Instagram: www.instagram.com/FoodPLUS.hk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodplus.education.services
- Turned-E Education Limited is the pioneer in microelectronics-themed education in the Asia-Pacific region. We focus on fostering students’ understanding of microelectronics and have our own patented platform and technology, Semtron, to assist students in effective learning and exploration of microelectronics topics. We collaborate with Avnet and AMD to promote chip design tool training certificate courses, providing students with more learning opportunities. Additionally, we partner with EasyEDA to promote PCB maker education certificate courses. As a leader in microelectronics-themed education, the TURNED-E! team is dedicated to cultivating students’ interest and capabilities in the field of microelectronics. Furthermore, as a professional STEM […]
- “Creative is not a job.” Unemployed limited, a full-service local creative agency. We aim at creating unpredictable, impactful, original creative work and we believe those are the essence of advertising. IG: https://www.instagram.com/unemployed.limited/
- “Grow your own food” Veggroom’s ultimate vision is to create self-sustaining cities in Hong Kong and urban areas, enabling individuals to easily grow their own food. Step by step, they transform homes, communities, and spaces into sustainable food sources. By fostering sustainability and self-sufficiency, Veggroom aims to reduce environmental impact, increase access to fresh food, and build healthier communities. In step one, they focus on hydroponic solutions for growing salad greens and herbs in smaller spaces. In step two, they expand to larger areas, implementing vertical farms, greenhouses, and community gardens. Through education and innovative hydroponic solutions, Veggroom strives to […]
- Seekr是一款專為視力受損群體而設計的輕便和隱蔽的穿戴式裝置,志在幫助視力受損人士獨自、安全地探索空間。他們將機器學習算法安裝於細小、備有攝像鏡頭和夾子的裝置中,在收集視覺數據數秒內即播放音頻信息,與手機上的無障礙功能無縫協作。
- Ways BB Company Limited dedicates to provide the most eco-friendly and sustainable baby and maternity products with the least ecological footprint. We also ensure to bring you the good quality brands around the world as our top mission. Website: www.ways-bb.com
- Wedo Global Foundation aims to promote multi-cultural education to enhance cultural sensitivity and global vision of the participants. We also provide training, equal education and employment opportunities to local ethnic minorities. Website: www.wedoglobal.com
- “Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” Wolin HK Limited provide Mermaid course and underwater performance. Create a new experience to public. Promote SDG concept to public. My Water Journey want to enhance the public’s knowledge on water sport safety. Website: www.mywaterjourney.com Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/My-Water-Journey-人魚教練SporTi-100543662880235/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/mywaterjourney?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- We are a furniture retailer established in 2021 based in Hong Kong, we carefully selected and imported furniture from original design brand. We are committed to offer high quality furniture with finest materials and good design from around the world. By selecting the products with high standard of craftsmanship and outstanding furniture design, the products we are selling had earned the recognition from the international organizations. Showroom: 2106-07, Hundsun International Center, 44 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Opening hours: 11:30 – 19:00 (Tue Off) Website: www.woodify.com.hk Email: info@woodify.com.hk Tel/Whatsapp: (852) 9459 0507
- Woof² is dedicated to fostering stronger connections between pets and their owners. Through its exquisitely crafted and functional pet toys inspired by the Hong Kong culture, the brand aims to celebrate the special bond and relationship between owners and their pets by providing interactive playtime and memorable photo opportunities! Since the introduction of the first Woof² pet toy in October 2023, Woof² has quickly expanded throughout Hong Kong and into international markets, including Australia, China, Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, showcasing the unique cultural elements of Hong Kong on a global scale. The brand’s commitment to […]
- Wubuntu Limited provides young people in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with an in-depth learning experience of African culture through online study and cultural immersion tours, creating an interactive community to help young people understand the culture of African countries along the Belt and Road and bring China and Africa closer together. Website:http://www.wubuntuafrica.com/
- Yusha Design Limited is a Hong Kong-based social enterprise founded in 2019 S that specialises in Design Consultancy. We are a group of passionate young people from various background with the mission of bring changes by orienting towards the social dimension of design. The core value “emphasis on user’s experiences” defines how we offer our innovative solutions in the aspect of product design, interior design, graphic design and branding to all clients and partners. Website:https://yushahk.wixsite.com/yusha Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/yusha.hk/?hl=en Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/yushadesign/