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May 21, 2020

Meet the Mentors Online Consultation: Strategy of Design Thinking and Creative Solutions for Startups

成日話做嘢要創意無窮,但點先叫做有創意? 成日話銷宣要有同理心,但點先代入到客群? 成日話不斷試唔同方法,但點先能切中要點? 疫情期間更加要利用設計思維大膽創新,大膽假設用唔同方法糾正,一定搵到最有效良方! 今次我地邀請咗專家達人,包括Mr. Edward Li, Founder & CEO, Twitchy Finger Ltd. 及 Mr. Keith Li, Co-founder and CEO, Innopage,教您如何喺思考經營問題,及早諗出制勝策略! 日期:2020年6月11日(星期四) 時間:下午3時至5時 參與模式:Zoom 立即報名: ——————————————————————— 香港青年協會 #香港青年創業計劃 獲Google慈善基金會Google.org贊助和「青年創業國際計劃」支持以上活動
May 15, 2020

YBHK helps Young Entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 Pandemic

HKFYG Youth Business Hong Kong Launches a Series of Programme to Support Young Entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 Pandemic   Youth Business Hong Kong (YBHK), operated by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), will support local entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth Business International (YBI) is rolling out a Rapid Response and Recovery Programme, funded by Google’s philanthropic arm,, that supports underserved micro, small and medium businesses across the globe in response to the COVID-19.   The unprecedented global economic downturn due to the challenges brought on by the pandemic has rendered small and medium businesses especially vulnerable. With tighter and tighter profit […]
May 5, 2020

Meet the Mentors Online Consultation: The Challenges of Setting Up / Owning a Restaurant Business & Food Startups

餐廳食肆網購成行成市,如何從中脫穎而出? 疫症流行餐飲寒冬,如何渡過困難危機? 利潤增長臨到樽頸,如何找到一片藍海? 今次我地好榮幸邀請到本地連鎖生蠔零售店OCEAN THREE 創辦人Hamish和壹品豆品董事總經理Mr. Jeff Law,為大家分享經驗,如何喺疫情期間創業及守業,在艱難間提升競爭力! 想了解更多飲食業心得嘅你,當然唔好錯過今次寶貴嘅機會啦! 日期:2020年5月28日(星期四) 時間:下午3時至5時 參與模式:Zoom 立即報名:
April 23, 2020

Meet the Mentors Online Consultation: What’s the Role of Digital Marketing for Startups?

喺網上做咗大量業務宣傳但係瀏覽數量不成正比? 想投放資金落網絡宣傳但係又唔知邊個渠道適合自己公司? 疫情下可以點樣善用digital marketing 宣傳產品? 對網絡營銷有疑問嘅青年創業家可以嚟參加我地嘅online consultation,今次我地邀請咗Digital Marketing 專家為大家解答疑難,包括Ivan So, Digital Consultant, Hdcourse Limited和Mr Gary Tong, Digital Strategist, DT Digital,報名從速! 日期:2020年5月14日(星期四) 時間:下午3時至5時 參與模式:Zoom 立即報名: (名額有限,先到先得)
April 1, 2020

Meet the Mentors Online Consultation: Challenges in Marketing & Practical Ideas for the Start-ups

您提供優質貨品或服務,但係又無目標客群注意到? 您在社交媒體購買廣告,但係又沒法提升公司營業額? 您已議訂公司發展策略,但係在演算法下寸步難行? 或者,你只忽略了細微的「關鍵」! 無論實體或網上經營,市場營銷主宰公司命運。 理解現實營銷難處,就可以更快洞悉真正市場商機。 今次我地邀請咗專家達人,包括有PACO Communications Director Philip, 仲有Hotmob Chief Operating Officer Keith,喺疫情期間利用網上對話形式,幫大家提升marketing 效能! 日期:2020年4月17日(星期五) 時間:下午3時至5時 參與模式:Zoom 立即報名:
March 5, 2020
Business Clinic

Business Clinic

Experiencing difficulties with your Start-up? Looking for advices from professionals? Business Clinic is the monthly event organised by the HKFYG Social Innovation and Youth Business Unit to support young entrepreneurs. Participants will be given 8 minutes to present their business/ideas and state their pain points to a GROUP of mentors who are either entrepreneurs, senior management of corporates or practitioners in the Start-up ecosystem, followed by Q&A and a small group mentoring session (3-4 mentors to 1 case). Format: 8 mins Presentation + 7 mins Q&A 60 mins small group mentoring session (3 groups in parallel) Date: 27 March 2020 (Friday) Time: 10:00 – […]