Teenshare Limited

Teenshare Limited is an online mentor marketplace from Hong Kong offering different industry specialists to young profession who desire to improve their career development, changing career industry or even start up a business but without related knowledge, skills set, guidance and network.

By providing one-on-one learning with industry specialists gives employee a more personalized learning experience and able to helps them apply to their real-life career.

For young profession who is looking for a career upskill, we offer wide range of online courses covering different subjects that could enhance the soft skills, digital skills and other up-to-trend skills.

Connecting and Networking on our platform and our offline event with people who share the same career goals, background and industry will enable you to reshape your personal network and stay update with all the industry news and job opportunities.

We also provide online and offline career coaching and mentor sharing event for high school, university and youth association.

Connecting and Networking on our platform and our offline event with people who share the same career goals, background and industry will enable you to reshape your personal network and stay update with all the industry news and job opportunities.

We also provide online and offline career coaching and mentor sharing event for high school, university and youth association.

Website: https://teensharehk.com/zh_hk/