
Carbon Linking Limited is a green tech company redefining carbon literacy delivery through social and play, making a low-carbon lifestyle part of the younger generation’s daily living. Carbon Linking Integrated Solution provides a lot of green challenges, allowing schools to incorporate relevant carbon literacy and green actions into the learning curriculum. At the same time, students can become more carbon literate by completing green challenges with their friends and becoming future green leaders.

  • Carbon Linking Limited is a green tech company redefining carbon literacy delivery through social and play, making a low-carbon lifestyle part of the younger generation’s daily living. Carbon Linking Integrated Solution provides a lot of green challenges, allowing schools to incorporate relevant carbon literacy and green actions into the learning curriculum. At the same time, students can become more carbon literate by completing green challenges with their friends and becoming future green leaders.
  • Footprints offers social and environmental compliance consultancy to manufacturing sites around South East Asia. We work with buyers and manufacturers to offer assessment and training services in factories so that they can meet industry standards and legal compliance. Our core objective is to ensure worker wellbeing and promoting ethical business practices. Website: http://footprintscsr.com/
  • Wedo Global Foundation aims to promote multi-cultural education to enhance cultural sensitivity and global vision of the participants. We also provide training, equal education and employment opportunities to local ethnic minorities. Website: www.wedoglobal.com