Other Companies

Artisenses Limited offers a memorable scent workshop to all perfume lovers. Come and stimulate your senses, learn the techniques and make your signature perfume!

Website:  http://www.artisenses.com/

  • Artisenses Limited offers a memorable scent workshop to all perfume lovers. Come and stimulate your senses, learn the techniques and make your signature perfume! Website:  http://www.artisenses.com/
  • Aesir Limited delivers aesthetic visual design services and products to enrich learning, social connection and well-being. We focus on creating interactive solutions using latest technologies, such as augmented-reality, human-scale motion tracking system and holographic projection.   Website:  http://www.aesir.hk/
  • Easy Care is a marketplace for health-care industry, which is going to revolutionize the home care industry with standardize services and pricing via App-based marketplace. Users can now simply keying in the location, schedule and service type on our App. Multiple professionals with past ratings will be available for the user to select and after payment online is confirmed on the app, the user can comfortably sit back knowing the service has been confirmed on their date of choice. Everything is done over our mobile app within 1 minute, there will be minimum follow up to secure a service provider. Website: […]